It’s the buck’s big do, so go hard or go home! Bucks parties are legendary for epic drinking, visits to gentleman’s clubs, and outdoor adventures. However, we’ve compiled a list of Bucks Party Challenges, making this bucks party one no one will ever forget. It’s time to dare the buck to do the most unthinkable (and hilarious) things – get ready for a wild ride!
A unique take on a lap dance
While it’s the rite of passage for a buck to get a lap dance from a beautiful, seductive woman, why not turn the tables and make the buck get a lap dance from his best man? And we’re not talking about in the confinements of Buck HQs – we’re talking about in a crowded pub! The onlookers will cheer as the best man performs a raunchy number for the red-faced buck.
Hide the buck’s clothes
Everyone is dressed to impress for their big night out, but when it comes to the buck, he’ll be scrambling to find his clothes after his naughty partners in crime have hidden them – and hilarity ensues.
Make the buck drink a smelly beer
Your group will be roaring with laughter at the mere sight of the buck taking off his smelly sock and covering his glass of beer with it before downing the beer. We’re sure the taste of a wet, odour-filled sock will be one drink he’ll never forget! You can even up the ante and get a sock from an overly perspiring stranger.
Give the buck a chance to unleash his inner JLO in the movie ‘Hustlers’
Traditionally, a buck and his group will visit a gentleman’s club to watch a too-hot-to-handle pole dance with their mouths dropping to the floor. But why not switch things up and make the buck perform a sexy pole dance in the middle of a crowded pub? Seriously, it doesn’t get more hilarious than this.
Make the buck wear a toilet paper wedding dress
For months, the bride-to-be has been meticulously planning her wedding dress and accessories for her dream-like big day. So, give the buck a chance to see what life’s like on the other side by making him wear a toilet paper wedding dress in public. He’s bound to draw looks of disbelief from bewildered strangers.
Girly drinks, anyone?
Instead of the buck showing he’s a blue-blooded hot male species, make him drink his beer from champagne flutes. Even better, make him drink the sweet and sugary cocktails that women have come to love, like strawberry daiquiris.
Lick the armpit of a male stranger
Oh, it does sound rather gross, doesn’t it? But the sight of the buck having to lick the armpits of strangers in a bar is hilarious! Caution of warning: Just make sure he doesn’t lick the armpits of a big, bold, scary-looking man; otherwise, a pub fight could ensue.
A buck and women’s underwear – what could go wrong?
The stage is set – dare your buck to convince a girl at a pub to give him her underwear. While it’s highly unlikely he’ll succeed, if he does, make him wear the undergarment on his head for the entire day and night public outings.
These are just a few ideas to utterly humiliate the buck – but there are so many more. In the UK, a popular game is Bug Pong, which is the same as Beer Pong, but the buck drinks bugs instead of beer. You can also make him wear a nappy in public, work as a toilet attendant, wear no shoes for 24 hours, steal a girl’s drinks, and so much more. Let the Bucks Party Challenges begin!
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