Bachelor Party Accessories
While you’re browsing the Wicked Bucks website, looking for the very best buck’s party activities a man can find, there’s something else you should keep in mind: bachelor party accessories. These are the things you can use to make your own fun even if it’s just you and the boys in somebody’s house or apartment. Stocking up on the right supplies – props, decorations or other essential items like food, music and booze – can make just about any bachelor’s party even more riotous fun.
‘But Wicked,’ you might say. ‘We want YOU to organise this exceptional event for us. That’s why we’re here.’ Relax, we’ll still happily hook you up with all kinds of events to make your bachelor party amazing, ranging from nights on the town to adventure activities and one-of-a-kind games. There’s no doubt about that. But after the activity is over and it’s just you, your buck and your boys chilling in the pad, what then? Well, that’s when you use these accessories to have a blast by yourselves.
So what do you need? Well, if you want a buck’s party that really goes off with a bang, consider the following items absolute essentials:
Wicked Bucks T- Shirts
Want a souvenir that offers you a unique reminder of the party like nothing else can or will? Wicked Bucks have personalised t-shirts and costumes for all tastes and styles. Check out some of our examples and order something that’s absolutely perfect for your party.
The beautiful thing about booze is that you can pick and choose exactly what you want. Craft beer? Cheap beer? Whiskey? Wine? Goon? Why not? It’s your party. Just make sure you get something you like. If it’s a crowd-pleaser as well, even better!
Boozing Accessories
Once you’ve got the booze, you need something to drink it in. And maybe some nifty accessories to go with it. Some examples include shot glasses, mugs and stripper straws (that means straws with the shadows of shapely strippers striking a pose and sliding up and down them).
Just because your buck is getting hitched doesn’t mean the rest of the party can’t still get some action. You might be out on one of our pub crawls or tours of the strip clubs of Surfers Paradise, find a girl who takes a liking to you and get lucky! If that happens, it’s important to play it safe. That’s why you need to invest in a pack of condoms or two. That way if you the opportunity comes up you’ll be well-prepared. And who knows? It might even lead to your own buck’s party in a year or two. But there’s no need to rush things!
A bachelor party is all about having as much fun as possible. One way to have fun is to play a few games, especially with a few drinks in you to loosen you up. The perfect time for a round of Cards Against Humanity, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Pandemic or whatever board game is your favourite right now.
It’s a party, isn’t it? So kick the party atmosphere up a notch by adding some colourful balloons. While you’re at it, add some suggestive messages or well-wishes for your buddy on his last weekend of bachelorhood.
Can’t forget about this one, especially with beer involved. And who would want to? Like beer, the great thing about food is that you can choose what you have, whether that’s pizza delivered to your door or Uber Eats or a barbeque (an activity that’s a part of some of our wicked activities).
It’s important to pick the right Spotify or iTunes playlist for the event, no matter what sort of mood you’re going for. Whether you’re pumping yourself up to have a big night out on the town, party and see some strippers or the party is located entirely in your accommodation, the choice is yours. Throw on your buck’s favourite songs and remind him of the good times you had as single gents before he settles for the long haul into married life.
You can always buy your buck some gifts to celebrate the occasion. If they’re useful, he’ll use them for years to come even as he grows used to being a married man. Examples of gifts include a personalised beer mug or some of those personalised Wicked Bucks t-shirts we mentioned before! Or use your imagination!
A Blow-Up Doll and Other Wacky Props
Got a mate at the buck’s party who always seems to be single no matter what? Well, instead of taking him to the strip club to blow a bunch of cash (that comes later!), give him an insta-girlfriend: a blow-up doll. A blow-up doll makes a good decoration for the party and after having her around for a few hours she’ll feel like just another guest. If you need more ideas there are a stack of other useful items appropriate for any bachelor party: boob straws, boob candles, stag antlers, a gimp costume. If you can think of it, it probably exists and it will probably liven up your buck’s party. You really are limited only by your imagination. So get the boys together, gather up some essentials and get ready to say goodbye to your buddy’s bachelor days with one of the biggest parties of your lives.
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